When you’re in the middle of a crisis, you don’t always have time to look up information online. You just want to get the help you need, fast. That’s why we’ve compiled these resources for you.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns about any of these resources—we’re here for you!
Insurance & Billing
All referrals should be first submitted to our main office in Tulare
Call Us
(559) 688-2043
Hope Horizon Mental Health, formerly Tulare Youth Service Bureau (TYSB), is a private nonprofit children’s mental health provider, contracted with the Tulare County Health and Human Services Agency. Our program takes children with Tulare County Medi-Cal, and there is a Uniform Method of Determining the Ability to Pay (UMDAP, or sliding fee scale) for clients with no insurance. Grant funding is also available for some programs, including for clients with issues related to sexual abuse (through United Way, CAPIT, and Children in Need).
Unfortunately, not all children will meet the criteria to be seen at this particular agency. We are not able to see children that have private health insurance. When a referral is made, the intake coordinator will refer to an appropriate source for services as needed if we are unable to see them at this agency. Most, if not all children in the Tulare County Child Welfare System will qualify for an assessment as they have Tulare County Medi-Cal. Children with “out of county” Medi-cal will be referred to a Value Options provider.
What should I do if I have a grievance?
A grievance is an expression of unhappiness about anything regarding your mental health services at Hope Horizon Mental Health.
We encourage you to first discuss your concerns or complaints with your/your child’s therapist.
If you are uncomfortable doing that you may ask to speak to your therapist’s supervisor. If they are not available any supervisor will be happy to address your concerns.
If we have been unsuccessful at solving your grievance you may file a grievance with Tulare County. There is a Grievance Form that can be completed and mailed to: Problem Resolution Coordinator Mental Health Dept., Managed Care 5957 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 Or call: 1 800-500-4465
If you need additional assistance the Patient’s Rights Advocate can also be reached at 1-800-905-5597.
If you are not satisfied with the feedback from either your therapist or their supervisor please contact the Clinical Director at 559-688-2043.
Tulare County’s Problem Resolution Coordinator (or designee) will investigate your Grievance with the goal of resolving your dissatisfaction. You will receive 2 written responses to your Grievance. The first letter will be a notice (sent within one working day of receipt of the Grievance) that they have received your Grievance. The second letter will be sent to you within 60 days with the results of the investigation.
Community Resources
The following is a list of websites that link families to important health-related information, including access to medical, food, shelter and education as well as other community resources.
Program Brochures
Please feel free to download, print, and share our brochures! Printed copies are also available at our offices.
Program Brochures:
Building Bridges Brochure – English
Building Bridges Brochure – Spanish
First Episode Psychosis (FEP) Brochure – English
First Episode Psychosis (FEP) Brochure – Spanish
Full Service Partnership (FSP) Brochure – English
Full Service Partnership (FSP) Brochure – Spanish
Healthy Boundaries Brochure – English
Healthy Boundaries Brochure – Spanish
PCIT / PCCARE Brochure – English
PCIT / PCCARE Brochure – Spanish
For children, there are signs that may show a need for specialty mental health services. If one or more of the problems below is present in a house where a child resides, specialty mental health services may be needed. Please contact Hope Horizon Mental Health to request additional information or make an appointment for an assessment.
- Parents who feel overwhelmed or who have mental health issues
- Violence or disruption in the house or other exposure to trauma such as physical or sexual abuse
- A major source of family stress, such as divorce or death of family member
- Abuse of drugs or alcohol by a family member or someone in the home
- Unusual or difficult behavior by the child
- Displays unusual changes in emotions and behavior
- Difficulty getting along with other children or has no friends
- Is doing poorly in school, misses school frequently or does not want to attend school
- Has frequent minor illnesses or complaints of illnesses
- Seems fearful or becomes suddenly withdrawn or angry
- Is aggressive
- Fearful of being away from primary caregiver
- Has frequent bad dreams
- Has difficult falling or staying asleep, wakes during the night
- Suddenly refuses to be alone with a certain family member or close friend or acts upset around specific family members
- Displays affection inappropriately or makes abnormal sexual gestures or remarks
- Refuses to eat
- Is frequently tearful
You may contact Hope Horizon Mental Health for an assessment or referral for your child if you feel he or she is showing any of the signs noted above. If your child qualifies for Tulare County Medi-Cal, Healthy Families or fits into one of our Specialty Grant funded programs, we will arrange for your child to receive an assessment for services. If your child does not qualify for one of our programs, we can help connect you with another appropriate community provider.
Between the ages of 12 and 18, teens face numerous stressors and pressures. Some unusual behavior by an adolescent or young adult person may be related to the physical and psychological changes taking place as they become an adult. This population is establishing a sense of identity and shifting from relying on adults to facing independence. A parent or concerned friend may have difficulty deciding between what is “normal behavior” and what may be signs of emotional or mental health problems requiring professional help.
- Pulls back from usual family, friend, and/or normal activities
- Experiences an unexplained decline in school performance
- Neglects personal appearance and hygiene
- Significant weight gain or loss
- Running away from home
- Overly rebellious or aggressive behaviors
- Physical illness complaints or symptoms with no apparent illness
- Suspected use of drugs or alcohol
You may contact Hope Horizon Mental Health for an assessment or referral for your teen if you feel he or she is showing any of the signs noted above. If your child qualifies for Tulare County Medi-Cal, Healthy Families or fits into one of our Specialty Grant funded programs, we will arrange for your child to receive an assessment for services. If your child does not qualify for one of our programs, we can help connect you with another appropriate community provider.